By February 19, 2016 Read More →

Greenpeace founder Moore bets $100,000 CO2 emissions will be higher in 2025

Moore says Earth’s climate has only “warmed slightly” over past 300 years

Dr. Patrick Moore, a founder of Greenpeace turned climate skeptic, is willing to wager US$100,000 that global CO2 emissions will be higher in 2025 than they were in 2015.


Dr. Patrick Moore, President of Ecosense Environmental Inc.

Moore (@EcoSenseNow) made the offer to his his nearly 10,000 Twitter followers a month ago, but has had no takers to date.

“The warmists claim that 97 percent of climate scientists believe that human CO2 emissions will cause dangerous climate change,” Moore said in a press release.

“The UN Paris climate summit was hailed as ‘an historic agreement that is our best chance save the planet’. If that is so then surely they believe CO2 emissions will come down during the next ten years, as pledged by all the countries attending the meeting. Yet no one seems willing to put their money where their rhetoric is.”

Moore denies claims that CO2 is a pollutant and argues that the Earth’s climate has warmed slightly over the past 300 years since the peak of the Little Ice Age around 1700.

“Humans did not cause the end of the Little Ice Age, and I do not believe human emissions of CO2 are the cause of the continued slight warming over the past 50 years,” he said.

“But surely the people who do believe in catastrophic global warming have faith that world governments will heed their warning, as expressed in the Paris Agreement. Or are they just playing a game with the world?”

Moore was on the crew of the first Greenpeace campaign against US H-Bomb testing in Alaska in 1971 and then served for 15 years in the top committee as Greenpeace became the world’s largest environmental activist organization. He departed in 1986 over policy differences. Today he is the President of Ecosense Environmental Inc., Senior Fellow with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, and a director of the CO2 Coalition, which will hold its inaugural public meeting at the Princeton Club in New York City March 29.

Posted in: Politics

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