$115 million funding now available for pre-commercial clean technology

Hanford Deglint, a PhD student of Clarkson’s, developed an innovative method to extract and calculate the contact angles in the micro-wettability experiments and aided in experimental design. He and geoscience technologist Chris DeBuhr set up and ran the pre-commercial experiments.

No minimum amount of funding or leverage required

The Natural Resources Canada Clean Growth Program has made funding available to advance pre-commercial technology, including up to first commercial installations, in Canada’s energy, mining and forestry sectors. With $115 million available, the deadline for Letters of Intent is February 7, 2018, 12:00 p.m. EST.

The federal program will support pre-commercial technologies between Technology Readiness Levels of 3-9.

Projects must include financial or in-kind contributions from provinces or territories, however, applicants are not required to have secured this co-funding at the Letter of Interest stage.

There is no minimum amount of funding or leverage required.

Focus areas include:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas and air emissions from natural resource operations;
  • Minimizing landscape disturbances and improving waste management in natural resource operations;
  • The production and use of advanced materials and bioproducts in natural resource operations;
  • Efficient energy use and productivity in natural resource operations; and
  • Reducing water use and impacts on aquatic ecosystems from natural resource operations.