Statoil to keep fields operating even if Norway oil workers strike

Workers at some Statoil oilfields could be on the picket lines by Saturday. Statoil photo by Ole Jørgen Bratland.

Workers could be picketing Statoil on July 2

OSLO, June 29 (Reuters) – Statoil will initially keep oil fields operating even if negotiations set for June 30 to July 1 fail to avert a strike that would halt output at others, the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (NOG) said on Wednesday.

Workers at five fields operated by ExxonMobil, Engie and BASF unit Wintershall could walk off the job from July 2 if wage talks fail.

That would cut Norway’s output of oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGL) by about seven percent, data from Norway’s Petroleum Directorate shows.

Trade unions said on Monday 755 workers could walk out, potentially affecting work on seven fields that account for about 17 percent of Norway’s crude oil and natural gas output.

NOG on Wednesday said eight fields in total would be affected, but output would only be affected at five of them.

It cautioned that the three Statoil fields could be forced to also halt output if any strike that occurs is expanded.

A final round of mandatory talks will be hosted by a state mediator on June 30 and July 1.

(Reporting by Stine Jacobsen and Terje Solsvik; editing by Jason Neely)

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