
Flawed anti-fracking studies debunked, used by fractivists anyway

TEDX also claimed natural gas wells responsible for dangerous levels of chemicals found in air quality samples Ed. note: EnergyInDepth is an industry-funded and focused website. Despite the bias, we run these op-eds because they are generally well researched and contain plenty of links the reader can follow to do further research and come to their own […]

Flawed anti-fracking studies debunked, used by fractivists anyway Read More »

Cancer incidence rates in fracking, non-fracking states

Cancer incidence rates below national average (454.8 per 100,000) in top-four oil and gas producing states by Seth Whitehead, EnergyInDepth EID has debunked numerous activist-funded or authored health studies in recent years, and most of them have either specifically claimed fracking causes cancer or insinuated it can cause cancer, despite having no evidence to support

Cancer incidence rates in fracking, non-fracking states Read More »

Six flaws in Yale study that tries (and fails) to link fracking to cancer

Yale authors concede results “were based on grab samples that represented high-exposure scenarios”, cite as evidence anyway by Seth Whitehead, EnergyInDepth Yale School of Public Health has released a new report that was clearly meant to generate alarmist headlines, as it suggests that fracking can increase chances of childhood cancer. But this “study” has yet

Six flaws in Yale study that tries (and fails) to link fracking to cancer Read More »