U.S. army veteran receives new home from Houston Texans, FMC Technologies

Oilfield equipment manufacturer, NFL team join forces to help say ‘thank you’ to the brave men and women of military

HOUSTON – Injured U.S. Army veteran Israel “Izzy” Raylan Hillyer got the surprise of his life Sunday as he watched the Houston Texans square off against the New York Jets — a new mortgage-free home in the King Crossing community of Katy, Texas.

Injured U.S. Army veteran Israel “Izzy” Raylan Hillyer

Hillyer, a former Army sergeant first class who served more than 20 years in Special Forces, received many commendations for his valiant service.

Now, he and his family will receive a new home from FMC Technologies and its partners — the Texans, Operation FINALLY HOME, and PulteGroup’s Built to Honor program.

“FMC Technologies has a special responsibility to the selfless men and women who have served, and continue to serve, in the U.S. armed forces,” saidJohn Gremp, Chairman and CEO of FMC Technologies.

“Our company and our country are stronger for their dedication, loyalty, and commitment, and we are proud to partner with the Houston Texans to recognize their service.”

Donating a custom-built home “is one way we can say ‘thank you’ to the brave men and women of our military, and their families, for sacrificing so much to defend our freedom and values,” said Jamey Rootes, Houston Texans President. “It is an honor to partner with FMC Technologies and Operation FINALLY HOME on this life-changing project.”

Jamey Rootes, President, Houston Texans

In addition to its role in donating the Hillyers’ new home, FMC Technologies presents a game ball to a selected service member at every Texanspreseason and regular home game and donates $10,000 to one of three charitable organizations that support the military.

That’s $100,000 over the course of the football season, divided among the USO, the Wounded Warrior Project, and the Lone Star Veterans Association.

FMC Technologies has a long history of supporting and actively recruiting veterans. Nearly five per cent of the company’s Houston employees are veterans, and more than 25 per cent of its field service technicians are vets.

In addition to recruiting service members, FMC Technologies takes great care of its employee reservists and their families while they are deployed and maintains a Military Veterans Network to support veterans and help them network with each other.

GI Jobs named FMC Technologies one of the country’s top 50 military-friendly employers, and the company received the U.S. Defense Department’sFreedom Award, the government’s highest recognition of companies that support National Guard and Reserve activities beyond the requirements of federal law.