British Columbia sets up advisory council to meet climate goals

advisory council
George Heyman, Minister of Environment & Climate Change Strategy presented awards recognizing the leadership of B.C. local governments and public sector organizations at the Union of BC Municipalities convention. Advisory council.

Council will work with industry, Ottawa to address emissions-intensive sectors, according to Horgan govt.

A new advisory council introduced by B.C. Environment and Climate Change Strategy Minister George Heyman will provide strategic advice to government on areas of focus for climate action that go hand in hand with economic growth, according to a press release.

“I am thrilled with the new advisory council and look forward to receiving their input as we get B.C. on track to hitting our climate targets, maximizing related job opportunities, and protecting our province for generations to come,” said Heyman.

The Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council’s work will inform a new climate strategy for B.C. that fights climate pollution and helps families come out ahead.

The advisory council will provide advice to government on actions and policies that can contribute to carbon pollution reductions and optimize opportunities for sustainable economic development and job creation.


“I look forward to co-chairing this council on climate solutions and clean growth. Those two priorities must go hand in hand for the government to succeed in cutting carbon pollution while making our province more affordable, competitive and prosperous. Our council’s mandate to provide not just advice, but accountability, is critical to turn good ideas into lasting results,” said Merran Smith, executive director, Clean Energy Canada.

This includes working with industry and the federal government to address the competitiveness of emissions-intensive trade-exposed sectors, to help them reduce their emissions and continue to thrive economically.

The advisory panel will convene as soon as possible, and afterward, will meet quarterly.

Advice and feedback on climate policy will be forwarded to the ministry’s Climate Action Secretariat and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy on a regular basis.

“We all have a role to play in tackling the global challenge of climate change. I look forward to working with Minister Heyman and my fellow panel members as we seek constructive and collaborative solutions to advance climate action while ensuring that our economy is competitive,” said Marcia Smith, senior VP of Sustainability and External Affairs, Teck Resources Limited.