Some companies are exempt from filing pipeline traffic data
The National Energy Board (NEB) is launching an interactive online tool that provides Canadians with information on what products are moving through NEB-regulated pipelines.
The Pipeline Portal provides easy-to-use information on what has been shipped on most large NEB-pipelines since 2006. Where available, data is provided at key points, including every international export/import point.

Some companies are exempt from filing pipeline traffic data. The NEB is currently reviewing all exemptions to these filing requirements with the goal of maximizing data transparency.
To see what is moving through key pipelines and learn more about the major pipelines regulated by the NEB, visit the Canada’s pipeline system portal.
As an example of some of the information available on the Pipeline Portal, did you know that:
- The TransCanada Mainline is used to import natural gas at four different points? (Emerson, MB and Chippawa, Emerson and Niagara in Ontario)
- Over the last 10 years, Keystone Pipeline has been moving less domestic light oil and more domestic heavy oil
- Westcoast’s BC System delivers gas into Nova Gas Transmission Ltd. at Sunset Creek and natural gas moves between the two systems at the NOVA/Gordondale point
- Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline imports and exports natural gas at St. Stephen, NB
The NEB says it is committed to increasing the amount of energy and pipeline information available to the public, and this new Pipeline Portal complements information already published by the NEB.
This includes a recently launched Interactive Pipeline Map, a regularly updated Safety and Environmental Performance Dashboard, and detailed financial analysis of Canada’s Pipeline Transportation System.
The National Energy Board is an independent federal regulator of several parts of Canada’s energy industry.