
American electricity generation: Natural gas, renewables growing to 2040

Wind projected to be biggest renewable source for American electricity generation American electricity generation is projected to increase 0.8% annually from 2013 to 2040 and natural gas and renewables are expected to meet almost all of the increase, according to the US Energy Information Administration. American electricity generation from renewable sources provided 13 per cent of U.S. electricity in 2013.

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American energy subsidies down, oil and gas drop by 20%

Big increase in American energy subsidies to solar power Washington is spending less on American energy subsidies and re-directing more toward the rapidly growing solar industry, according to a new report. The US Energy Information Administration says that between fiscal year 2010 and 2013 the share of tax expenditure in total financial interventions and subsidies declined

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California renewable energy plants moving forward on federal land

California renewable energy plants in Mojave, Southern California deserts The state and federal governments will move forward on less than half the desert land initially designated for California renewable energy plants, officials said Tuesday, leaving millions of acres in limbo as local governments decide how they want to handle large-scale solar, wind and geothermal projects. Regulators

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