Jude on Alberta

Alberta govt caps electricity prices as part of power market reform

NDP govt moving from energy-only market (low price, high volatility) system to capacity market (higher price, low volatility) The Alberta government has introduced legislation that would see the Regulated Rate Option electricity cost capped at 6.8 cents per kilowatt. The bill would be over a four year period from June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2021, […]

Alberta govt caps electricity prices as part of power market reform Read More »

Calgary and Edmonton on the road to economic recovery – Conference Board

Unless oil price rises above $50/b, high paying oil and gas jobs may not return until 2018 or later Gradually rising oil prices will help pull the economies of Calgary and Edmonton out of recession this year, according to The Conference Board of Canada’s Metropolitan Outlook: Spring 2017. Calgary’s economy is expected to grow for

Calgary and Edmonton on the road to economic recovery – Conference Board Read More »

Alberta government to review orphaned and abandoned wells

Currently 152,000 inactive or abandoned wells, 53,000 shy of total active wells in Alberta The Alberta government announced it’s working with industry and experts through a formal review process to find better ways to protect Albertans and the environment by improving policies for managing old oil and gas facilities, orphaned and abandoned wells, according to a Government

Alberta government to review orphaned and abandoned wells Read More »